We recently ran a First Aid course for residents, covering both child and adult life support skills. The courses went down really well, and as a result we are now lucky to have more qualified first aiders amongst us in the Lockner community.
If it weren’t for the Covid pandemic we would normally have had our annual summer Big Lunch party and be looking forward to the Lockner Christmas Panto night out. The money that we have to spend every year on these events is still available to us to organise community events on Lockner, just in a more imaginative way. If the money is not spent we will not be able to apply for further funding next year.
So far we have funded First Aid courses certified by the Red Cross and weekly exercise classes for residents - please see the website for more information. We plan to arrange a Christmas musical extravaganza, that will take place outdoors on Lockner's courtyards for us all to enjoy safely from our doorsteps or balconies. And of course - if you have any ideas for events that you would like to organise for Lockner, please do get in touch so that we can support you to turn this idea into a reality. In the interim we would like to spend some of Lockners money buying a community defibrillator. This is a machine used to give an electric shock to restart a patient's heart when they are in cardiac arrest. These are specially designed for use by non-medically trained members of the public and significantly improve the chance of survival in event of a cardiac arrest.
We would buy this through an accredited scheme organised by the London Ambulance Service. They would advise and guide us all the way through - with location and installation, and with support and training for residents who would be interested in taking part. Their “defibrillator accreditation scheme booklet” can be found here:
The cost total would be £1595.00. This is a one off payment and includes a survey of the site to work out where it would be best positioned on Lockner, installation, insurance against theft, training and ongoing support. The defibrillator would be registered with the London Ambulance Service so first responders in an emergency could be guided to it. To give a point of reference for TRA spending we usually spend ~£3,500 on panto tickets every year, and ~£3,000 on the Big Lunch in the summer.
Normally, pre-pandemic times, we would discuss this at a TRA meeting - but we are currently unable to. Instead we are consulting residents by email.
We would really appreciate it if you could share your opinion with us about this spend by completing the google form attached to the link below.
Link to form: