At the AGM on 17th April, we will hold elections for the Tenants & Residents Association (TRA) committee. The TRA is run by residents of the estate for residents of the estate. It's really important as it gives the estate a voice that is heard by the Council, with direct communication with senior managers for help with things. As well as this, having a registered association also means that the estate can apply for funding to put on community events, like the annual Big Lunch and Christmas Panto trip.
If you have found yourself exasperated by things; cleaning, anti-social behaviour, or felt on the periphery of the Lockner community and lockdown has just increased your feeling of isolation - this is a chance to get involved and make a difference.
The committee is formed of 4 core members and then at least 6 further members that are elected on an annual basis at the AGM. Without 10 TRA committee members, the TRA will not continue to exist. The 4 core members have designated roles as Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. From the current core members Ruby (Chair), Guy (Vice-Chair) and Maria (Treasurer) are happy to stand for election again, but we warmly welcome new members, and will definitely need a new Secretary. The secretary is typically responsible for scheduling meetings, pulling together agendas and keeping minutes (but in reality we all pitch-in). The other TRA roles are completely and entirely what you decide to make of them.
Give it as much, or as little as you like. As a bare minimum the TRA need to schedule and attend four community meetings a year. And that is all. That's all the commitment is. That is all that's required for us to have a residents association - to maintain direct lines with council senior management, to apply for funding for community events. Anything else we and our neighbour's want to achieve to improve the estate is just the icing on the cake. There is loads of support and courses available from the council if you're not confident or unsure - they will do as much hand holding as you need, the 'resident participation team' are a supportive and friendly bunch.
If you'd like any more information or a chat, please get in touch!