We have just written to Hackney Council on behalf of disabled residents on Lockner about new road closures. We're happy to have had the support from our local labour counsellors already and will keep you posted with the response we receive.
Please see our email highlighting concerns below:
From: Lockner TRA <locknertra@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 at 17:14
Subject: Road Closures and Disabled Residents
To: <highways.inspectors@hackney.gov.uk>, <mobilityteam@hackney.gov.uk>, <info@hackney.gov.uk>, James Peters (Cllr) <James.Peters@hackney.gov.uk>, <debeauvoir@hackney-labour.org.uk>
I am writing on behalf of the Lockner Estate residents association. We are based between Kingsland road, Hertford Road and Englefield Road.
We have had a few disabled residents contact us about recent road closures, asking for help as they have not been able to get through to anyone at the council.
One resident has Multiple Sclerosis and used to drive daily from home to the Lido to swim. She is not able to walk or cycle and mobility is restricted to 20m. She is a full time carer to her husband with dementia and this is the only thing that she feels keeps her sane and able to provide this caring role. She has struggled to drive along the alternative route to the Lido - which involves a 40 minute gridlocked journey each way.
One is a household of 2 elderly wheelchair bound residents who need to attend the Homerton regularly - their daughter drives them. Again, the journey is taking > 1h each way in gridlocked traffic with new routes, and they are also struggling with this transport time.
If cars are registered disabled - are they please able to drive through Richmond road without getting tickets? We can see that road closures may be a good thing for society as a whole and reduce the environmental impact of cars, as well as promote walking and cycling. But this seems unfair to registered disabled drivers. Are there plans in place to address this? Many thanks in advance for your consideration of this matter, please could I request that you reply to this email address with an update. I have copied in our local counsellors. Many thanks www.locknerestate.com
